Internet Explorer powered by Google Chrome
If you can't install Google Chrome and you must use Internet Explorer, there's a way to use Google Chrome's rendering engine inside IE: Google Chrome Frame. After installing the plug-in, you can test it by adding cf: in front of any URL from the address bar.
Google Chrome Frame is an interesting option for the developers that write web applications and use HTML or CSS features that are available in any modern browser except IE. They can add a meta tag at the top of a web page and enable the Google Chrome plug-in:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">
Google also provides some JavaScript code that prompts users to install the plug-in. It's not very pleasant to ask users to install a plug-in if they want to use your applications, but it's easier than asking them to change their browser.
There is a minor problem. If are want to open a website inside Internet Explorer using Google Chrome Frame, you need to manually prefix the URL with “cf:” (without quotes) to activate the Chrome engine. For example, you’ll have to type cf: in the IE address bar to render this site using Chrome.
Since this involves some effort, here’s a simple workaround that will automatically open all websites inside the Google Chrome Frame without you having to type the “cf” prefix with every URL.
Download the chrome-frame.reg file and double click it. This will add a new entry in your Windows registry forcing IE to render all web pages with Chrome.
If you like to change that behavior to the default settings, just open your Windows Registry (start -> run -> regedit) and navigate to the following key.
Now delete the registry value that says * and Chrome Frame will become invisible again unless you manually invoke it with cf command.
[SOURCE 1 & 2]
Google Chrome Frame is an interesting option for the developers that write web applications and use HTML or CSS features that are available in any modern browser except IE. They can add a meta tag at the top of a web page and enable the Google Chrome plug-in:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">
Google also provides some JavaScript code that prompts users to install the plug-in. It's not very pleasant to ask users to install a plug-in if they want to use your applications, but it's easier than asking them to change their browser.
Google Chrome Frame is an early-stage open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer. With Google Chrome Frame, you can:
* Start using open web technologies - like the HTML5 canvas tag - right away, even technologies that aren't yet supported in Internet Explorer 6, 7, or 8.
* Take advantage of JavaScript performance improvements to make your apps faster and more responsive.
There is a minor problem. If are want to open a website inside Internet Explorer using Google Chrome Frame, you need to manually prefix the URL with “cf:” (without quotes) to activate the Chrome engine. For example, you’ll have to type cf: in the IE address bar to render this site using Chrome.
Since this involves some effort, here’s a simple workaround that will automatically open all websites inside the Google Chrome Frame without you having to type the “cf” prefix with every URL.
Download the chrome-frame.reg file and double click it. This will add a new entry in your Windows registry forcing IE to render all web pages with Chrome.
If you like to change that behavior to the default settings, just open your Windows Registry (start -> run -> regedit) and navigate to the following key.
Now delete the registry value that says * and Chrome Frame will become invisible again unless you manually invoke it with cf command.
[SOURCE 1 & 2]