The Great Indian Telecom Tariff War...
The waves that Indian telecom Industry is creating has attracted the attention of everyone around the world... Even those who use mobile just for incoming are now a days talking about the various plans that are coming in on a daily basis...
The war that was started with a mere reduction in the STD tariff has now taken a new turn with Outgoing call charges going as low as 1/2 P per sec and Reliance with its 1P sms has taken this tariff war to a new level...
RCOM which entered the Indian Telecom Market with the botom line "KARLO DUNIYA MUTHI MEIN" is continuing to do so with its revolutionary and yet very simple No Condition Plans..
The war that was started with a mere reduction in the STD tariff has now taken a new turn with Outgoing call charges going as low as 1/2 P per sec and Reliance with its 1P sms has taken this tariff war to a new level...
RCOM which entered the Indian Telecom Market with the botom line "KARLO DUNIYA MUTHI MEIN" is continuing to do so with its revolutionary and yet very simple No Condition Plans..