Windows 2 Linux Again!!!
i still remember the first time i installed Linux with a lot of excitement to explore a new OS and because of newly formed JLUG {jaypee Linux user group},it was Suse10.2 that i chose to install.. worked on it for i guess a week and explored lots of features and softwares..
there was almost an alternate software for whatever i used in windows...
but a lot was missing.. no jap that means slow internet n no orkut{university restrictions force us to use tunneling softwares} and then no gtalk... n a few other things...
and one fine day i did something {well to be precise i installed an older version of audio driver over the newer installed one thinking that the one i installed is from Intel's site and should be better-hey don't laugh..} and the result no audio...
i asked my friends in JLUG to come and do something but they were busy and finally i decided to shift back to windows.. and i deleted Linux and then there were booting issues that i managed to fix on my own...
and now in this semester i have a Linux course so i needed Linux {just a few tools like latex,x fig} and i thought about giving Linux a second chance and not to us it just for the course but in normal day-2-day life..
and this time i chose Suse 10.3,called my friend and together we installed it,some minor problems right from the starting,problems with network,graphics etc.. but this time am not gonna give up so easily.. am gonna master this OS just like i mastered windows..
So right now update is in progress.. downloading around 4.9gb of updates.. i hope it will function well after the update..
So all of you with pirated windows.. give a try to original,free of cost,more secured and more fun,open source OS--- Linux...