Rs. 250 Million Lost in SMS Fraud
SMS and earn money. Sounds like a con job to you? It didn't to 50,000 people looking to make a quick buck — allowing the now absconding fraudsters, to get away with nearly Rs. 250 Million.
An ad in some Mumbai dailies kick-started this SMS fraud by brothers Jayanand Nadar, 36, and Jayaraja Nadar, 28. 'Nothing is impossible. The word itself is I M Possible', read the ad. According to the police the duo then messaged random numbers, asking people interested in 'earning Rs. 10,000 a month to contact them' thus promising investors they could 'get rich quickly'.
An ad in some Mumbai dailies kick-started this SMS fraud by brothers Jayanand Nadar, 36, and Jayaraja Nadar, 28. 'Nothing is impossible. The word itself is I M Possible', read the ad. According to the police the duo then messaged random numbers, asking people interested in 'earning Rs. 10,000 a month to contact them' thus promising investors they could 'get rich quickly'.