Love to shop with Friends? Now do it Online!!!
But this extreme Heat outside stopping you to have that fun!!
Well Don't get upset, You and your Friends can still shop together without even leaving the comfort of your AC room!!
Well Just Log on to India’s first social shopping community portal, that offers shoppers across the country to interact in real time environment with the revolutionary Voice-Video-Text chat feature enabled.
The two things that i really love @ shopcorn are:-
- Deals Box : this is the democratic shopping zone of Shopcorn, where the users can pick up deals from any of the shopping portals like,, etc. and upload it here. Other users can then see these deals & discuss about it in the community environment. They can write scraps about the deal or discuss it using the Text-Voice-Video chat feature. They can also Kick the Bad deal & Pick the Good ones. This way only the top deals remain there on Shopcorn.
- Community Section : Users have their own profile page where they can send & receive scraps, upload pictures, videos etc. They can also participate in Blogs, QnA etc
Not just that, You and your Friends can shop sitting anywhere and anytime.. Now don't tell me you still use your laptops like a PC because of your wired Internet connection..
OMG!!! you still do that, The world has changed where are you, visit along with your friends and buy TATA Indicom's Photon+ Wireless Broadband USB Modem and surf the net anywhere anytime @ Top speed...
Remember its not a boring shopping website but a revolutionary Shopping social community for you and your friends to discuss anything you want to buy!!!
PS:- The portal is still very new, so you can give your feedback if you find anything you think should be there.