Gets Ocean's 13 Game has launched 'Ocean's 13', the first game to be made on the Ocean's series.

The game revolves around the plot of the movie. When the ruthless casino owner, Willy Bank, double-crosses one of the original Ocean's eleven, Reuben Tishkoff, Danny and the gang team up one more time to see if they can break ‘The Bank' in only three and a half minutes. Gamers can play four different casino games - Slots, Blackjack, Texas Hold'em Poker and Roulette, and gamble their way from start to finish.

Players start with a $10,000 credit, which allows them to get to the first square on the board and put their money into one of the Bank's slot machines. Each space on the board is worth $10,000 and for every $10,000 they make at the Bank, they are allowed to move forward one space on the board. The minimum bet for all games is $10,000 and there is no limit to how much of money one can risk. Success earns money and spaces moved on the board. For those who are unsuccessful money is forfeited and they must move back one space for every $10,000 bet upon.

Rohit Sharma, Chief Operating Officer, Zapak Digital Entertainment Ltd., said, "Ocean's 11 and 12 have been blockbusters worldwide. Now with the soon to be released, Ocean's 13, a game on the movie will enhance and enrich the experience of both the movie buffs and the avid gamers. The game play has a distinctive and a very engaging online environment, which allows fans of all ages to connect and interact with their favorite Hollywood hunks. Gamers and fans of the movie will have the opportunity to absorb the characters and new plots before the movie even hits the theatres."

Download the game here.


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